Ryan Walters craves national spotlight while Oklahoma education remains low in rankings Guest column

There is no evidence that the Oklahoma State Board of Education is anything other than a rubber stamp to whatever state schools Superintendent Ryan Walters proposes. An actual discussion of consequences before the always unanimous vote is a very rare occurrence. Laws and rulings seem to be of little consequence in considering items for their approval.

One board meeting agenda listed the name “Koons” in “Ringling” as applying for an emergency certificate in counseling. The application was for Shelley Koons, the wife of Phil Koons, a former Ringling coach who is facing trial, accused of harassing and bullying his players. His wife was the school’s counselor at the time of the allegations. Concern about student welfare would demand that this be discussed. However, there was no discussion but instead a unanimous vote to approve Shelley Koons’ application. And even though Walters brags about getting abusers out of the schools, the former coach still has a valid teaching certificate despite the allegations.

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