Back to school: Reminders, tips for driving safely in school zones

Poudre School District is back in session this week, and that means more children and drivers will be on the roads starting Wednesday.

Drivers traveling through and near school zones, especially during typical school start and end times, should be extra vigilant for children biking and walking or getting dropped off or picked up in cars or buses.

Here are some tips and reminders from Fort Collins Police Services and t he National Safe Routes to School program for how to drive safely in and around school zones as kids return to classrooms this week:

  • Slow down in school zones and obey reduced speed limits. Flashing lights on school zone speed limit signs indicate that drivers should drive at the reduced speed.
  • Yield to people in crosswalks — especially in school zones — regardless of who has the right-of-way.
  • Avoid parking or stopping on crosswalks to let children out of the car because your vehicle can block the visibility in the crosswalk for other drivers and pedestrians.
  • Avoid picking up or dropping off children across the street from the school where a crosswalk isn’t available to prevent children from having to cross busy streets.
  • Watch for children walking or biking on sidewalks and on the street.
  • Watch for children gathering in pick-up or drop-off zones and at bus stops. Children in these areas may run across the road without looking at traffic.

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