Gov. Beshear addresses controversy around Pulaski County Schools’ position on school funding amendment

FRANKFORT, Ky. ( FOX 56 ) — Gov. Andy Beshear is weighing in on the controversy surrounding a Kentucky school district advocating against a ballot question on public school funding this year.

Gov. Beshear campaigned on his advocacy for public schools and has repeatedly spoken out against charter schools, which is the big issue this amendment may address.

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Attorney General Russell Coleman issued a statement Tuesday that said public resources can’t be used against Amendment 2, but the governor said the district’s speech on the issue is constitutionally protected.

“These school districts, I believe, have First Amendment rights. It needs to be done in a certain way. But this is a public school district fighting for the future of public schools. I think that’s really important,” Beshear said.

The district drew criticism for posting both an image and infographic advocating against Ballot Amendment 2, which would decide if public tax money may be used to fund schools outside of the public school system. On Tuesday FOX 56 reported on the response from Pulaski school leaders who defended the decision and said they have a legal right.

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