Susan Lorincz’s manslaughter trial is coming to an end. Closing arguments set for Friday

The defense finished presenting its case Thursday, with a ballistics expert telling the court that Susan Lorincz was in her kitchen when she fired the bullet that went through her closed front door, striking and killing Ajike “AJ” Shantrell Owens .

Joshua Wright, a former Florida Department of Law Enforcement employee and firearms expert, testified that the final resting spot of the spent shell casing — a kitchen counter — indicates where Lorincz was standing when she fired the shot. His testimony supports Lorincz’s version of events.

Wright said his analysis is based on reports and pictures. The state says Lorincz was closer to the door at the time of the shooting, but Wright disputes that.

On cross-examination, prosecutor Adam Smith asked Wright if he ever visited the crime scene, fired the weapon used by Lorincz for testing purposes, inspected the shell casing or reviewed any physical evidence. He answered no to each question.

Smith said it seemed far fetched that the shell casing hit either a wall or a painting hanging on the wall, made a hard right, went under a cabinet, managed to miss objects on the counter, hit a hard surface, then came to rest on the counter.

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