UPDATE: AT&T responds to claims of ‘unfair labor practices’ by 17,000 striking workers

UPDATE 10:28 p.m. — WRBL has received a statement from AT&T regarding the 17,000 Communication Workers of America workers who have gone on strike.

A spokesperson with AT&T said, “CWA’s claims of unfair labor practices are not grounded in fact. We have been engaged in substantive bargaining since day 1 and are eager to reach an agreement that benefits our hard-working employees. As evidence, we have reached 3 agreements with CWA this year covering more than 13,000 employees, most recently a Tentative Agreement with District 9 (California and Nevada). We remain committed to working with District 3 (Southeast) in the same manner.”

AT&T also expressed disappointment in union leaders who called the strike adding, “rather than directing their energies toward constructive discussions at the bargaining table. This action needlessly jeopardizes the wages and well-being of our employees.”

The spokesperson also said various measures are in place to avoid disruptions to service during the strike.

Story continues