Do you recognize these faces? Ohio BCI uses clay reconstructions to solve remains cases

Do any of these people look familiar?

In the past few years, the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation has completed 10 facial reconstructions for unidentified remains cases in the state. All but three have been solved.

Most recently, a body found in Stark County was identified as Michael Leach , a former resident of Dover. The remains had been unidentified for four years, but efforts by the Stark County Sheriff’s Office, Ohio Attorney General’s Office and the DNA Doe Project led to the case being solved.

The three remaining facial reconstructions are scattered around the state, with the bodies found in Stark, Summit and Hamilton counties.

The Stark case is the oldest of the three, as the body was found in 2001. The Summit County body was found in 2016 and the Hamilton County body in 2018.

Meet Samantha Molnar: Forensic artist puts faces to Ohio’s unidentified remains

Here’s the case information about the reconstructions that remain unidentified in Ohio:

Who is Stark County’s John Doe?

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