Augusta family calling their twin daughters’ road to recovery a miracle

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Four of Kelsey and Ann Bourm’s children were unconscious, after another car slammed into their car at a red light.

It was a Sunday Morning, When Kelsey Bourm got a phone call, that would shatter any parent.

He was told, “four of your kids are unconscious, there’s been an accident.

His wife and their kids were just leaving church, when a car crashed into the back of theirs, pinning the children inside. Four of their kids were rushed to the hospital. Seven year old twins Abby and Clare, had severe head trauma.

Three of the Bourm children waking up the same day, but Abby did not, for several days after the accident. Their mother, who was in the car said, it was any mom’s worst fear, coming to reality.

She said, that first week felt like it lasted a lifetime.

“it was just a waiting game, to know, if they would wake up, how their brains would recover, when they did wake up, and once they did wake up, we just felt so blessed, that everything after that has been okay,” said Ann Bourm.

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