San Joaquin County supervisors deny election advisory committee’s push for fewer ballot boxes

San Joaquin County election committee wants fewer ballot boxes. Here’s why. 03:11

SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY – The election advisory committee for San Joaquin County wants fewer ballot boxes. They say the more there are, the more risk for fraud.

There are 25 ballot drop boxes around San Joaquin County. But the state only requires there to be 13. The election advisory committee for the county asked the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors to get rid of 12 of them to meet that minimum requirement, but it was shot down.

“You have to monitor them with cameras, all of these are costs. You have to locate them. You have to buy them,” said county election advisory chairman Antonio Amador.

The election advisory committee wants to cut the number of ballot drop boxes around the county in half. The committee says there only needs to be 13 to satisfy state requirements. The current number of drop boxes is 25, partly due to COVID rules when voting needed to be socially distanced. The election advisory committee says that many are no longer needed.

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