Supervisor of Elections: Drop in mail-in ballots for primary election ‘significant’

As voters head to the polls Sunday, Aug. 18, for the final day of early voting ahead of Tuesday’s primary election , the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Office reports that the number of voters who requested mail-in ballots this year has dropped considerably compared to the 2022 gubernatorial election.

This year in Palm Beach County, there were about 183,000 mail-in ballot requests compared to 328,000 in 2022, according to Supervisor of Elections Chief Wendy Sartory Link.

“That’s significant,” she said. “Of course, we always want more voters, and generally things have been going very smoothly through early voting, but the numbers of mail-in votes is a big drop from two years ago and generally speaking, a presidential year will outpace other years.”

Through 4 p.m., Friday, there has been 82,863 mail-in votes cast for the primary elections in Palm Beach County, compared to more than 132,761 people in 2022 who voted by mail. The number will see an increase during the final days of voting.

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