Here’s back-to-school advice from elementary to high school students

As students prepare to head back to school, they may feel a range of emotions.

Many may feel excited or anxious about starting a new grade or school. When it comes to having a successful school year, no one knows what they need more than students themselves.

That’s why we asked kids across the U.S. to share their best tips on going back to school — and they delivered. Read on for advice from a second-grader all the way to a kid almost done with high school.

Lucy González Brix — second grade

Lucy, who lives in Charles City, Va., has a tip that will help in and out of school: She says she’s learning about how to add coins so she can use money. “It’s important to know that, so someone doesn’t scam you,” she said. “Learn kindness and how to help others. You can have lots of friends if you are kind!” Lucy knows this better than anyone — she won a kindness award last school year.

Ziva Grossman — third grade

School days can feel like they last forever, but eating your whole lunch and enjoying recess to the fullest can help you deal with that feeling, Ziva said. She also recommends using Khan Academy, which has helped her get a math refresher before her first day back at school.

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