Heavy Showers & Thunderstorms Beginning to Blossom Across Parts of Upstate New York & Vermont

Flash Flooding & Damaging WInds Possible in Heavier Storms

08/19/24 2:25pm ET

Good afternoon everyone. We’re beginning to see the last throws of this low pressure today in the form of one more round of heavy showers & thunderstorms. Sacttered severe weather is developing and there have been reports of locally strong winds and hail in spots.

Our focus right now is upstate New York and parts of Vermont, but we shoud see that broken line grow south as it moves east. Areas that may be impacted include northeast Pennsylvania, northwest New Jersy, southeast New York, Connecticut, and parts of Massachusetts.

Even if you are not in the path of the more orgainized line of showers and storms, isolated severe weather will be possible in the form of hail, damaging winds, torrential rain, and frequent lightning.

We also have a cluster of strong to severe storms developing over parts of central Virginia. The same risk is possible as the other regions, plus the chance of an isolated tornado as storms grow in real estate as the move east/southeast.

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