Father and daughter share their journey through Police Activities League

The relationship between police and minority groups can be tenuous at times but people who wear the uniform are always working to make it better. A father and daughter are trying to change the perception of police within the community.

  • A father-daughter duo is making a difference in their neighborhood.
  • Denise Johnson grew up around police officer and they inspired her to serve and protect her community.
  • Devon Johnson grew up the opposite but always had respect for the cops. That interest led him to join the Police Activities League to empower youth in Bakersfield.


Denise Johnson grew up around police officers a lot of them and says many of them impacted her life.
There was one message in particular that stuck with her she says,

“Little boys and girls that look like you want to see you out there, and the only way that they gonna know that they can be someone like you is to see someone like you,”

Denise started her journey at the Police Activities League when she was 8 years old.
When she was around 22 she went to the police academy and now she’s an officer in field training.

Story continues