Bay Area man finds missing AirPods he lost at Burning Man 2 years ago: How he tracked them down

It’s a reunion two years in the making. And it all started back when Edward Aten says he lost his AirPods at the Burning Man festival in Nevada in 2022.

“It was just an hour or two away when I realized that I had forgotten my AirPods. You know, it’s the moment when you go to make the phone call and you have to hold the thing up to your face,” Aten said.

After he realized they were missing, Aten says he was able to track the AirPods with the ‘Find My’ app on his phone.

He began making videos on social media documenting everywhere they went, eventually attracting thousands of views.

“Over the coming months, they traveled all over the United States. They spent time in Iowa, they spent time in North Carolina, we caught them walking down the street in New York at 3 o’clock in the morning one night which was really exciting,” Aten said.

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That was until just last week, when the AirPods suddenly appeared in Santa Rosa just minutes way from Aten’s home.

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