Isabelle Musk – Miss Michigan’s Teen – Leaving for Boston Thursday

Poised, polished and professional are the first three words that come to mind when you meet Isabelle Musk. I was speaking to her mom Angela when she came out to the yard to talk and as she approached, she politely shook my hand and we made a little chatter. We really went all out on grabbing the family cooler to plop down on to have a chat and it seemed fitting since a part of her message to younger girls is to be their own genuine self. To seek happiness compared to the world of rainbows and unicorns that is so over played on social media today and leads to an enormous amount of stress on todays younger generation. The idea of eternal happiness and always looking perfect is an illusion, and while her role as a dancer and now representative of Michigan in the scholarship program does require some staging, she’s still a very real 18 year old, and even came out bare footing it in her yard.

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