Stockton police, city staff to talk homelessness policy with council Tuesday

The Stockton City Council plans to take another step toward possible changes in how the city enforces its homelessness laws following a sweeping U.S. Supreme Court ruling , a councilmember and the city’s spokesperson said.

Officials from the city manager’s office, as well as the public works, legal, police and economic development departments, are set to brief the council at the Tuesday, Aug. 27 session, which is open to the public, according to District 3 Councilmember Michael Blower.

“We will be reviewing the entire policy for consistency with (the) federal ruling, including our capacity and the resources needed to implement any changes,” city spokesperson Connie Cochran said Monday.

What did the Supreme Court decide?

The upcoming meeting will mark the second time that city staff members have briefed councilmembers on the issue since the Supreme Court ruling in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson .

On June 28, the court held that cities can legally cite and jail homeless residents for breaking anti-camping laws, even if the cities lack enough shelter beds to offer their homeless populations a viable alternative.

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