Lodi library now offers online high school program for adults

Adults who never graduated high school can now get diploma through Lodi library online program 02:00

LODI — The Lodi Public Library has a new program for those who never received their high school diploma.

It’s the place Amanda Ramos’ son loves to go, but one day she spotted something just for her.

“I seen the pamphlet, and when I was 16, I got my GED. I never had the chance to get my high school diploma,” Ramos said. “It was something for a long time I wanted to do.”

It was information on the library’s new Career Online High School program . She never got to graduate. She was on her own and had to work. To get in, Ramos had to take a prerequisite class and go through an interview.

Lois Meyer, a senior library assistant, said participants in the program can choose from nearly a dozen different career paths to get certified in.

Options include, but are not limited to, office management, home care, food and hospitality, and commercial driving. Ramos chose child care and education.

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