President of Havilah Historical Society details the savior of the schoolhouse

While the schoolhouse was spared with minimal damage, the replica of the courthouse, which was built in 1966 and served as the museum, was completely destroyed.

  • Roy Fluhart, President of the Havilah Historical Society, told me that plan to rebuild the courthouse, but aren’t sure how long that will take.
  • The replica of the courthouse was built in 1966 and served as the museum.


Roy Fluhart, president of the Havilah Historical Society, is showing me the fire system the Historical Society just got hooked up this spring – complete with a hose and a tank.

He says it might be the reason the schoolhouse is still standing.

“The guy who lives across the street hooked up our fire system that we just put in this spring.”

Fluhart said a fire had ignited under the deck of the schoolhouse, and this neighbor was able to get it out using a system that was completed in April.

“He was able to hose this down and knock this fire down.” Fluhart said, “Worked out pretty good, saved this.”

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