Cat who ran off 11 years ago is finally reunited with owner. See the heartwarming video

A cat was missing for 11 years — then came a heartwarming reunion with his owner, a South Carolina video shows.

“No one had a dry eye because she loved that cat so much and was so heartbroken,” Charleston Animal Society spokesperson Kay Hyman told McClatchy News in an Aug. 19 phone interview.

Jenifer Ravenel, the cat’s owner, said she was emotional when she came to the shelter and saw Sam for the first time in years. When she affectionately called him “Sam Sam the Kitty Cat Man,” she believes he recognized her voice.

“We went to another room, and they brought him to me in a cage,” Ravenel told McClatchy News in a phone interview. “They let me pick him up and hold him and love on him and all. He immediately ducked his head and started purring so I could rub his ears.”

A video shared on Facebook shows the touching moments that unfolded more than a decade after Sam went missing . Ravenel said she had Sam for about two years before she got a new dog. One day in 2012 or 2013, the dog chased off Sam and he never returned.

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