America’s farthest-north state House race is now tied, as more votes are counted in Alaska primary

A sign flapping in the breeze on Aug. 20, 2024, at Fire Lake Elementary School in Eagle River marks the site as a polling place in the state’s primary election. (Photo by Yereth Rosen/Alaska Beacon)

One day after Alaska’s primary election day, results from rural precincts continued to trickle into the headquarters of the Alaska Division of Election.

With 16 of 20 precincts reporting results in House District 40, which covers the North Slope and Northwest Arctic Borough, Democratic candidates Saima “Ikrik” Chase and Robyn “Niayuq” Burke are now tied in a three-way race that also includes former Republican-turned-undeclared incumbent Thomas “Ikaaq” Baker.

Chase and Burke each have 292 votes, while Baker has 238.

The tie may be momentary; elections officials have yet to count questioned and absentee ballots.

Under Alaska’s elections system, up to four candidates — regardless of party — advance from the primary to the general election. In House District 40, that means a tie wouldn’t have a direct impact on the race: All three candidates will advance regardless.

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