Scott Peterson crime scene pics show house in total disarray after wife Laci disappeared – cops were alarmed by nursery

CRIME scene pictures from Scott and Laci Peterson’s home show a house in disarray after eight-month-pregnant Laci disappeared on Christmas Eve in 2002.

Police searched the home in Modesto, California , twice before arresting Scott for the murder of his wife and unborn child – and the second search revealed a chilling scene.
In the first search conducted of the Petersons’ home, the nursery for the couple’s unborn son Conner seemed organized and ready for a newborn
Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Office
The second search showed that Scott had piled bedding and moved furniture into the nursery
Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Office
Investigators were alarmed to find the house in disarray as it showed that Scott might not have expected his family to return
Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Office

The home, which the Petersons had lived in for two years before Laci’s disappearance, was first searched on the night that Scott alerted cops that his wife was missing.

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