How long is Florida’s longest zipline? How you can zipline through canyons

Seeking new thrills around Florida? Feeling a little adventurous? Are you just here for the zipline ? There might be something for you.

With the news of the longest zipline in the country opening next year in Tennessee, some might be wondering — what is the longest zipline in Florida?

How long is Florida’s longest zipline?

The longest zipline in Florida is found at The Canyons Zip Line and Adventure Park, with ziplines roughly 1,150-feet in length and 155-feet off the ground. They also offer a 1,100 foot zip all the way across Lost Spring Lake.

“Since Florida is mostly flat, other zip lines may require quite a lot of stair climbing to begin their course, and throughout their course, in order for participants to gain elevation. Comparatively, we have very little stair climbing and we zip from tree to tree and tree to cliff, etc.,” officials write on the website.

“The only exception to this is our Sky High tour that requires stair climbing at the beginning of the tour only.  Because of our natural elevations, we have the longest, highest and fastest zips on our courses than any other in the state”

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