What to Do If You Find a Stray Horse in Kentucky

Finding a stray horse in your Kentucky neighborhood can be a surprising and challenging situation. Whether the horse has wandered away from its home or is one of the increasing numbers of free-roaming horses in certain parts of Kentucky, it’s important to handle the situation with care and responsibility. Here’s what you should do if you find yourself in this scenario.

1. Ensure Safety First

The most important thing is safety—both yours and the horse’s. Horses are large animals and can be unpredictable, especially if they are scared or stressed. If the horse is on or near a road, try to calmly redirect it to a safer area if possible. However, do not attempt to chase or corner the horse, as this might cause it to panic and potentially lead to accidents or injuries.

If the horse is in a dangerous location or is causing a traffic hazard, call 911 immediately. The authorities can help manage the situation, ensuring that the horse and the public are safe.

2. Contact Local Authorities

Once the immediate safety concerns are addressed, the next step is to contact local authorities. In Kentucky, you should notify the county judge-executive’s office, as they have procedures in place for dealing with stray livestock, including horses. You can also reach out to your local animal control, the sheriff’s department, or the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

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