Teddy Bear Workshop for Foster Children Hosted at Community Center

Clearwater, FL – On Saturday, September 7th at 2pm, foster families are invited to attend a “Teddy Bear Workshop” at the Clearwater Community Volunteers (CCV) Center where the kids will get to build their own bear – stuffing, cotton hearts and all. There is no cost for fosters families to attend the event and refreshments will be served.

This is the 2nd Teddy Bear Workshop the CCV Center has hosted, after the success of the first in 2023. The kids were ecstatic picking out their own bear, giving it a name and bringing it to life. “This event last year was great for the kids,” said Tracy Hawkins, manager of the Center. “They had so much fun and created timeless memories – we knew we had to do it again.”

Taking a step back and looking at the facts, the harsh reality is that in the foster care system, children are faced with various factors which affect their well-being, such as multiple moves, maltreatment, and relationship losses. Additionally, age is no constraint for this societal problem, as children ranging from infants to young adults can be found in foster care.

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