Linocut artist Sophie Sallade creates unique art: ‘Richmond is a muse to me’

RICHMOND, Va. — If you ever spy Sophie Sallade exploring the streets of Richmond, you may confuse her with a camera toting tourist.

But Sophie is actually scouring the city she loves for her next subject.

“I just like the way the infrastructure plays with the natural environment,” Sophie Sallade told Greg McQuade. “I’m looking for a little romance at play. I’m looking for the sparkle in the window.”

The artist sees potential around every corner.

“I want to capture all of that and share it with everybody else,” she said. “That is why I do my work in Richmond because I love it so much.” WTVR
Sophie Sallade of Sophie Printmaking

But picture taking isn’t Sophie’s specialty.

“I think I have the most fun job in the whole world,” Sallade said. “There is something to be said in taking the time and learning an old process preserving something that is old.”

Her talents go much deeper, about an eighth of an inch thick.

“The start of printmaking is always very exciting,” she said. “The hours never drone on in here. If anything I lose time in here.”

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