Post Falls School Endangers Disabled Students with Strict Phone Policy

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Post Falls, ID — Elevate Academy School District is facing mounting criticism over its new phone policy, which prohibits students from carrying phones or tracking devices during school hours. This policy has drawn sharp criticism for jeopardizing the safety of students with disabilities, as it bans the use of these essential tools without providing accommodations for those with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans.

Critical Safety Issues

The policy mandates that all students lock their phones in secure boxes from the start of the school day until dismissal, including during lunch and breaks. For students with disabilities, particularly those prone to wandering due to sensory overload or other conditions, this rule significantly increases safety risks. Parents are unable to track or contact their children in real-time, which could have severe consequences in emergencies.

District’s Refusal to Address Concerns

Despite numerous appeals from parents and advocates, the district has firmly refused to make any accommodations for students with disabilities. This stance has led to accusations that the district is disregarding the safety and well-being of its most vulnerable students. The policy’s lack of flexibility for those who depend on their phones for critical support is seen as a blatant failure to uphold the district’s responsibilities under existing educational and disability laws.

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