Haunted History: Ghost Stories at College of Charleston

Charleston, SC – The College of Charleston, established in 1776, is not just a historic academic institution but also a hub of ghostly tales and paranormal activities. Nestled in one of the oldest cities in the United States, the campus is home to several ghost stories that have spooked students and faculty alike for generations.

Berry Residence Hall: The Haunted Dormitory

Perhaps the most famous haunted location on the College of Charleston campus is Berry Residence Hall, which was built on the site of the old Charleston Orphan House. The orphanage, which was operational until the early 20th century, housed children who were victims of the Spanish influenza pandemic in 1918. During the pandemic, a fire broke out when a few children playing outside accidentally ignited oily rags, leading to a blaze that claimed the lives of four orphans due to smoke inhalation​(

The College Today).

Since the dormitory’s opening in 1991, students have reported a series of strange occurrences. Many have heard the eerie laughter of children and the unsettling sound of marbles rolling across the floor at night, despite no physical evidence of marbles being found. Some have even reported hearing the ghostly voices of children chanting “Ring Around the Rosie,” a nursery rhyme historically associated with the plague​(

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