Thunderstorms return to New England Monday

After another quiet and very nice day for Sunday, the weather will turn more unsettled heading into Monday. This will come as another closed upper low will drop down into New England from Quebec. This will provide plenty of instability to fire up scattered to numerous thunderstorms after a partly cloudy start to the day.

The timing of the storms for Monday is looking to be the typical timing New England sees. That is to say isolated storms will likely begin to pop up across northern and western areas in the late morning to early afternoon before becoming more numerous dropping south and east later in the afternoon and into the evening. There are signals that some storms may pop up in the early to mid morning across northern and western Maine, which would limit afternoon activity in that area should these morning storms come together.

HRRR showing potential weather mid-afternoon Monday:

Photo byHRRR/Tropical Tidbits

At this point, this isn’t looking like a major severe weather event, but there are some parameters in place to allow for strong to a few severe cells, especially later in the day across southern New England. This type of setup (an upper low dropping south from Quebec) can lead to organized, mature storms moving across southern New England, bringing strong winds. Conditions may also be favorable for large hail. Again, this isn’t looking like a severe weather outbreak, so not all storms will pack a punch.

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