Democrats, Lombardo both deserve detention for their free lunch food fight

Democrats can — and probably should — criticize the governor for vetoing their free lunch bill. But not including key information about the status quo for most children in the state is irresponsible. (Photo by Amanda Mills/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

My 9-year-old can get free breakfast and lunch every school day. No questions asked.

That fact may come as a surprise to Nevadans who have seen recent hemming and hawing about how mean ole Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo vetoed a bill last session that would have funded free lunch for all students. Democrats, it appears, are so starved to make the governor look evil that they are highlighting the veto without including some caveats that are vital for parents and guardians.

Yes, Lombardo last session vetoed a Democratic-backed bill that would have funded free school lunches for 2024-25 academic year. But it is also true that the majority of students across the state already have guaranteed access to free breakfast and lunch — a fact that conveniently keeps getting omitted.

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