Fuentes: App Store legislation threatens to put Floridians’ sensitive data in the hands of shady companies

Letter to the editor

Technology can bring friends and family closer together, make our lives more convenient, and help entrepreneurs grow their businesses. However, a growing number of Americans have expressed concerns about online dangers, from the mental health issues associated with social media to companies’ alarming data collection practices. Elected officials in Washington, D.C. have finally started to discuss measures designed to address those concerns, but – as usual – elected officials in Florida are ahead of the curve.

Over the years, Florida leaders have taken a number of important steps to protect consumers, ranging from eliminating fees when people freeze their credit to enacting consumer-friendly provisions for short-term loans to stabilizing our property insurance market. But while leaders in Tallahassee are working hard to put consumers and small businesses first, some in Congress are considering legislation that would harm Floridians, including one that would expose them to serious cybersecurity and data privacy threats.

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