Veterans Family Fun Day celebrates vets, highlights resources

Sunday, we celebrate our veterans at the Veterans Family Fun Day at Airway Fun Center.

However, it’s more than a Sunday fun day for retired Army veteran Megan Malz.

Megan served in Iraq from 2008 to 2009 and served in Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012. While serving in Iraq, Megan worked in an Iraqi prison, and in Afghanistan, she was a part of the female engagement team and deployed with the infantry.

“After 9/11, I just graduated high school, and was looking for some more purpose in life, and the Army’s where I found it.”

    When speaking about her daughter, Megan said, “I want her to see that women are capable of being able to serve their country and do meaningful things.”
    Charles Jackson is a retired Army veteran who served in Germany from 1980 to 1983 as a cannon fire direction specialist.

    Charles said, “I felt that it was it was my thing to do, to serve my country.”

    Charles risked his life for the good of our nation. “My expectancy of life was like 45 seconds.”

    Everyone at the Veterans Family Fun Day has a similar story of personal sacrifices.

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