The Whistling Doctor is said to still Haunt S.C. Most Ghost Infested Street

The Thomas Rose House in Charleston, South Carolina, is unique, as it is on the National Register of Historic Places. The house is also publicly listed as haunted. Who haunts this place that sits on 59 Church Street? His name is Dr. Joseph Brown Ladd – known today as The Whistling Doctor. Witnesses say that the doctor whistled everywhere he went, which is something that continues today. 

Joseph moved to Charleston from Rhode Island in 1785 to practice medicine. Shortly after arriving, he befriended a man named Ralph Isaacs. Joseph and Ralph had their differences, which became all the more apparent as time passed. The doctor quickly found himself in Charleston’s high society, which left Ralph behind. This high society rejected Ralph, leaving him with jealousy and anger.

The men exchanged insults that grew to the point where the letters that went to one another began to be published in the local newspaper. Ralph had little to lose and wanted Dr. Ladd’s attention. Ralph got it. The last letter that the doctor wrote to Isaacs said, “I regret ever making the acquaintance of Mr. Isaacs, and as I now move at a sphere of influence far superior to that of Mr. Isaacs, I want nothing to do with him or anyone who does have something to do with him.” The bottom of the letter stated, “I leave you with your insignificance.”

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