When charity clashes with crime

In recent years, non-profits and churches like Stay Focused Ministries have faced more and more challenges when it comes to crime and vandalism.

  • Founder and Director Manuel Carrizalez said these issues have been around since they first started serving the community 30 years ago.
  • Thanks to their work and longtime commitment to the community, he says they’ve earned the respect of those around them, but even that hasn’t kept them completely safe.

“It’s… I don’t know it’s unexplainable. It’s hard,” said Bakersfield resident Ruby Guerrero.

Guerrero spent most of her life addicted to drugs and most of her adult life living on the streets. But for the last two months, she’s been able to turn her life around thanks to organizations like Teen Challenge and Stay Focused Ministries, who she now helps every week during their food distribution.

“It’s a blessing,” she said. “I’m so grateful that I can help people that were like me.”

In recent years though, non-profits and churches like Stay Focused Ministries have faced more and more challenges when it comes to crime and vandalism.

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