Hottest temps in more than a decade expected in Ohio. What does heat advisory mean?

Sweltering heat is returning to Ohio and the Midwest on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Highs in the 96- to 98-degree range are in the forecast for Cincinnati , Dayton and Columbus. According to the National Weather Service, none of those cities have reached 98 degrees since 2012.

Some schools have announced early release due to the heat .

More: Greater Cincinnati to experience heat not seen in more than 10 years, forecasters say

The National Weather Service has issued heat advisories, and excessive heat watches and warnings for counties in Ohio. On Tuesday, most counties in the state, including those in the Greater Cincinnati region, were under a heat advisory, while some northern counties were under an excessive heat warning.

What is a heat advisory?

The weather agency’s local offices issue heat alerts specific to the region. Criteria for the alerts vary for different regions. “For instance, residents of Florida are much more prepared for 90°F+ weather than residents in Alaska,” the weather service states.

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