The unpunished crimes of the Clotilda – and Alabama BRIAN LYMAN

The Clotilda isn’t the most important part of the Clotilda story.

That’s not to say Alabama shouldn’t do everything in its power to preserve the rotting remains of that ship, the last known to have brought enslaved people to the United States.

Since the Alabama Historical Commission announced the discovery of the Clotilda in 2019, there has been talk about raising the ship off the banks of the Mobile River and putting it on display as a memorial to the 110 men and women kidnapped from Africa in 1860, forced onto the ship and sent into slavery in Alabama.

But an assessment of the Clotilda published in May found erosion and sea life had damaged the remains.

“Stabilization of the wreck, physical protection through reburial, and security are immediate needs,” the May report said.

Following that analysis, the commission said earlier this month they would preserve the Clotilda where it rests .

Saving what’s left of the ship should be the priority. The Clotilda could provide insights to historians and archeologists for generations. The state can ensure those future experts have a site to work with.

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