Lawsuit filed on behalf of woman killed by airbag defect

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) — Law firm Morgan & Morgan has filed a lawsuit over a counterfeit, defective airbag that killed an Oklahoma woman.

Patricia Riggle was involved in a crash back in March. Her airbag deployed, but Morgan & Morgan say it was improperly installed resulting in it detonating like a grenade.

An airbag is suppose to protect you in a collision, but Andrew Felix with Morgan & Morgan says it is the very reason why Patricia Riggle died, and she isn’t the only one.

“When she gets into this crash and the airbag deploys, it doesn’t deploy like a soft cushion pillow, like it’s designed to, it essentially explodes like a grenade in her steering wheel and shoots scrap metal at her face and neck at hundreds of miles an hour and ultimately takes her life,” said Andrew Felix, lawyer representing the Riggle family.

On March 1 of this year, Patricia Riggle was driving a rental car from Hertz when she was involved in a crash.

“Unbeknownst to her, that vehicle had already been in prior wrecks and had been repaired with an illegal counterfeit Chinese airbag inflator,” Felix said.

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