Man Gets For 5 Years For Alleged Racist Hit-and-Run Against Black Chef

A Virginia Beach man has been sentenced to five years in prison after hospitalizing a Black chef in an alleged racially-motivated hit-and-run incident, 13NewsNow reports.

Grant Hensley hit chef Elliott Boddie in the parking lot of Stooges Bar and Grill in September 2023 in Virginia Beach. The incident left Boddie with broken bones, torn ligaments in his knee, and stitches in the back of his head and chin.

Hensley was charged with felony hit and run, felony malicious wounding, and driving under the influence.

According to court documents, Hensley allegedly used racial slurs before hitting Boddie. Hensley told authorities that was trying to get away from an altercation when he got in his car. He later said someone “walked in front of his car” and it “was their fault they got hit.”

Witnesses accused Hensley of calling Black patrons racial slurs in the parking lot. One witness said they believe Hensley acted deliberately based on how he “was doing circles in the parking lot, veering toward him.”

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