Looking to brew your own beer or wine? Home Winery Supply caters to homebrewers

DUNDEE — Joshua Fink knows about the science behind wine and beer making. The 38-year-old and his father, William Falk, own and operate Home Winery Supply , 208 Main St. in Dundee.

History suggests alcoholic beverages date back to the neolithic period, between 7,000 to 9,000 years BC, when people in the Middle East made barley beer and grape wine.

Fink’s great grandfather started the business out of his store, Home Appliance Co.

“He sold paint, vacuums, all kinds of stuff,” Joshua Fink said. “He had a small section of home brewing supplies. My grandfather and his brother turned it into Home Winery Supply in 1963. We sell the grains, the juices, the equipment. We have people come in all the time for instructions and questions. They’ll bring in samples wondering why it did not turn out correctly.”

Today, the business carries ingredients and equipment for home fermentation for making beverages like beer, wine and kombucha, a fermented, sweetened black tea. Their customers are homebrewers, someone who domestically makes wine or brews beer on a small scale for non-commercial purposes.

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