Louisiana emergency officials push law to require A.M. radio in every new vehicle

LOUISIANA ( KLFY )– Louisiana emergency officials are calling on Louisiana Congressmen Mike Johnson and Steve Scalise to pass the “A.M. for Every Vehicle Act” to ensure all new vehicles are made with an A.M. radio.

Hurricane Katrina made landfall 19 years ago, displacing more than one million people in the Gulf Coast region. They relied on A.M. radio for emergency communication during the disaster.

Lt. General Russel Honoré , known for his relief efforts after Katrina, said people relied heavily on A.M. radio when the power grid went out.

“You want the most reliable source to be able to get information to people because when people are in a survival mode, they need to know where to go, what to do and where the most dangerous areas are so they can avoid them,” Honoré said.

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Now, some vehicles are made without it in an attempt to force consumers to use their streaming platforms.

The “A.M. for Every Vehicle” Act will change that, requiring all vehicle makers to include A.M. radios on new vehicles.

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