Selby Gardens names winners in photo contest

SARASOTA — Marie Selby Botanical Gardens has announced its winners in its 44th Annual Juried Photographic Exhibition, presented with the Observer Media Group.

The winning photos and other submissions are now available in a virtual gallery that can be accessed at

The online show includes nearly 300 photographs that were taken by photographers at Selby Gardens’ two campuses and selected for display by an expert panel of jurors.

The jury awarded prizes to top photographs in the exhibition, with the Best in Show honor going to Christopher Harrington and his photo, titled “Green Orchid Bee.”

The virtual exhibition will remain online through Sept. 30.

“We are so grateful that almost 300 exceptionally talented artists chose to share their vision of the beauty of our two bayfront sanctuaries through their entries,” said Jennifer Rominiecki, president and CEO of Selby Gardens. “This virtual exhibition provides an awe-inspiring journey through the diverse nature and living art to be observed and experienced at Selby Gardens.”

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