Modesto grad’s film available on major streaming service. It was inspired by George Lucas

A Modesto High graduate, inspired by George Lucas, has made a film set in the city.

And that movie is currently available to buy or rent on a major streaming platform.

Jerry McKinney, known locally as Tyrone McKinney, wrote, directed and stars in “Angel Vision,” now on Amazon Prime Video.

The movie, which among other things is an homage to Modesto native Lucas and the city’s car and graffiti culture, was shot mostly in Modesto, but also in the Los Angeles area, McKinney said.

“In ‘Angel Vision’, a comedy set in Modesto, Mayate plans to rob a dog buyer but is thwarted by Big Ty Stick and divine forces,” according to the Prime Video website. “Starring Spanky Hayes and AJ Johnson, it’s a blend of sci-fi, action, and humor, underscoring faith and redemption.”

Johnson has since died, “so this is his last movie,” McKinney said.

The 123-minute film is described on the Prime website as action and adventure, but McKinney said it’s also a comedy and about spirituality.

McKinney, who graduated from Modesto High in 1997 and lives in Ceres, said the film is about his character, Big Ty Stick, who is protected by angels.

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