Man guilty of arson, vandalism in separate incidents

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — Asked to leave an East Bakersfield property, Antonio Rodriguez Jr. made a scene.

He shouted, tried to set a trash can on fire and broke a vehicle’s sunroof with a beer bottle. Days later, he returned and burned a hole in the bottom of a rental vehicle.

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For these crimes, Rodriguez, 36, faces up to 14 years and four months in prison, according to a District Attorney’s Office release. Sentencing is set for Sept. 25.

A jury found him guilty this week of arson, vandalism and trespassing charges.

“We will not tolerate those who endanger our community by invading property and committing dangerous acts like arson,” District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer said in the release. “Our community can rest easier knowing that this individual is being held accountable and will no longer pose a threat to the safety of our residents.”

On Feb. 14, 2023, the victim went to a newly-acquired property and encountered Rodriguez. He asked him to leave.

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