Ohio teachers’ pension fund chair denies bribery allegations

The retired teachers’ pension board chair is defending himself after being accused of bribery and corruption by the Ohio attorney general. In this one-on-one interview, Rudy Fichtenbaum explained his side — and why he is still considering a deal with the investment firm at the center of the scandal.

Thursday, I got an exclusive with Attorney General Dave Yost, who defended and explained his lawsuit against the individuals accused of attempting to usurp the teachers’ pension fund.

RELATED: Ohio Attorney General Yost defends lawsuit amid teachers’ pension fund scandal

A (somewhat long) recap

The State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) is in chaos. In summary, there has been constant fighting , two board resignations and allegations of both a public corruption scheme and mishandling of funds .

In May, Yost filed a lawsuit to remove two members of STRS, stating they are participating in a contract steering “scheme” that could directly benefit them. Yost started the investigation after documents prepared by STRS employees alleged that Wade Steen and Chair Rudy Fichtenbaum have been doing the bidding of investment firm QED.

Story continues