Tucson Restaurant Placed On Probation After Questionable Inspection

In a perfect world, every person, business, or other entity would be treated exactly the same as the next. Unfortunately, the world isn’t perfect, and some are always treated better than others. That happens in the restaurant industry as well. While every food-serving business here in Tucson receives the same annual health inspection, the results are often very, very different, despite having similar violations. One local restaurant found this out, as it was given a Fail grade, followed by probation, despite having minimal violations and receiving rather common citations. 

On July 25, Kimchi Time Korean Restaurant was visited for its annual food safety inspection. Located at 2900 East Broadway Blvd (Suite 186) the restaurant, over the course of the inspection, received four violations. The first assortment of issues had to do with proper food temperatures. All foods stored in walk-in coolers or refrigerators must not exceed 41 degrees. Anything above this threshold falls into the danger zone, which is a temperature range where bacteria will grow and flourish. Several foods, ranging from cut cabbage to cooked chicken, exceed the temperatures. The cooked chicken, which was stored at the make unit, had a temp of 74 degrees. 

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