Man arrested for burglary and battery at apartment complex near stadium

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Alejandro Andres Gonzalez, 18, of Miami, was arrested early this morning and charged with burglary and felony battery after allegedly entering an apartment at StadiumHouse uninvited and attacking a man inside the apartment.

Late on Saturday night, the victim, who has reportedly been friends with Gonzalez for about five years, “playfully” threw an egg at Gonzalez from the patio of an apartment; the egg hit Gonzalez in the chest, and the victim retreated inside the apartment.

Gonzalez reportedly went to the apartment and beat on the door in an attempt to confront the victim, but a woman who lived in the apartment did not let him in and reportedly told him to leave multiple times. She told the responding Gainesville Police Department officer that Gonzalez appeared to leave the area.

However, about five minutes later, the woman opened her apartment door to let someone else in, and Gonzalez allegedly came around the corner, rushed into the apartment, and started punching the victim in the face. During the altercation, a glass plate was knocked to the ground and shattered; the victim’s hand was accidentally cut by the glass, causing a deep laceration that bled profusely but was not life-threatening. The women who lived in the apartment reportedly told Gonzalez to leave multiple times during the fight.

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