MOCA Tucson will open the first solo museum exhibition by artist and musician Karima Walker

Karima Walker, Graves for the Rain performance process documentation, 2023. Photograph by Karima Walker. Courtesy of the artist. TUCSON, AZ.- MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) presents Graves for the Rain, the first solo museum exhibition by artist and musician Karima Walker who works with sound, sculpture, and durational performance to consider ecological practices and grief in response to the hydrological death of the Santa Cruz River. Through recurring performances, Walker builds up an earthen sculpture and an immersive audio piece, accumulating layers of river material and sound over the course of the exhibition. Informed by the history of human intervention to the river and her ongoing sonic engagement with the landscape, Walker seeks to understand the ways we relate to the land. Attuning to the river through listening and movement, she states, “I’m holding the microphone up to the river’s mouth, circling and circling, grieving in the absence of the body. Can I hear what the river is saying?”

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