California University named Most Beautiful in annual ranking of America’s Best Schools

The Princeton Review has unveiled its 2025 Best Colleges rankings, now available on and in the newly published edition of The Best 390 Colleges. The rankings, based on surveys from 168,000 students, highlight the top 25 colleges in 50 categories, including areas such as “Great Financial Aid,” “Best Campus Food,” and “Best Career Services.”

Unlike traditional rankings, which often focus on academic metrics, these rankings are entirely driven by student feedback on various aspects of their college experience. Some notable schools topping the lists include Sarah Lawrence College for “Professors Get High Marks,” and the University of San Diego for “Most Beautiful Campus.”

A new feature in this year’s edition highlights eight schools with exceptional statistics related to cost and financial aid, addressing key concerns of college applicants and parents.

The rankings aim to provide prospective students with insights from current students, helping them choose the college that best fits their needs.

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