Mount Lemmon Fire District breaks ground on vital station renovation

In response to growing concerns about the health risks faced by firefighters , the Mount Lemmon Fire District has initiated a major renovation of its only fire station, Station 310.

A recent groundbreaking ceremony marked the start of this important project, which aims to improve safety conditions for the firefighters who protect this mountainous region.

Station 310, built in 1984, was never intended to be a full-time living space for firefighters. Over the years, the crew has made makeshift renovations to adapt the facility, but it still poses significant risks.

One of the most pressing issues is the station’s outdated design, which allows harmful fumes from diesel engines and fire particulates to infiltrate the living quarters.

“When we start all the trucks and everything, all the fumes and all that kind of stuff go into our living quarters where we eat,” said Aaron Lindflott, a Mount Lemmon Fire District firefighter and EMT.

Studies conducted by the University of Arizona and the Tucson Fire Department have shown that occupational exposure to carcinogens significantly increases cancer risks among firefighters.

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