Health and wellness Labor Day at the JCC

The Jewish Community Center (JCC) opened its entire facility to the community at no cost for Labor Day at the J !

Celebrating health and wellness this Labor Day, senior director of wellness at the JCC, Amy Dowe, says there’s something for everyone to do at the JCC.

“Whether it’s going to our pool, working out in our fitness center, shooting some hoops or getting some balls in at the tennis courts,” Dowe said.

At the gym this morning was member Carin Callie, who says she works about 50 hours a week. The mom of four was determined to make the most of her holiday by exercising bright and early with her kids.

“I have my 2-year-old here and then my 6- and 8-year-old play basketball here, and then my oldest does strength training up here in the gym,” said Callie. “It’s her first year being allowed up here in the gym.”

Callie says the amenities are great for single people and families, adding how support from other gym-goers pushes her to go back, even on Labor Day.

“I just got my very best friend to join, and her family,” Callie said. “They’re taking advantage of being able to rent out the court for volleyball and some of the kids’ activities here, so it’s just a great community here for myself and all of my kids.”

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