Severe Weather With Damaging Winds Possible Across Parts of Texas & Florida

Gulf of Mexico Bears Close Watching For Tropical Development in Long Range

09/03/24 8:58am ET

Good morning everyone. The Northeast is sitting pretty with cobalt blue skies in many parts of the region and a little fall bite to the air this morning. Beautiful conditions with sunny skies and mild to comfortably warm temps continue through Friday, then we’ll be watching our next front.

This one will dig down deep into the South and draw up all of that tropical moisture up the coast in the form of some soaking rain and rumbles. Confidence is low on the exact timing at this point, but we are thinking some time late Saturday into early Sunday; then we clear out and go mild with low humidity again.

That tropical moisture we’re talking about continues to give Texas some much needed rain, and Florida some not-so-much-needed rain. We also continue to have the risk of isolated severe weather, especially along coastal sections of Texas and Florida.

The reason why the two states are being mentioned in the same sentence, is because it’s all related in terms of a long fetch of tropical moisture ranging from the Bahamas to New Mexico. Look for the continuation of heavy showers and thunderstorms, as well as isolated severe weather containing torrential rain, frequent lightning, damaging winds, hail, and possible waterspouts.

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