The Q&As with 2024 candidates for Palmer, Wasilla and Houston City Councils

Over the past few months, voters in Palmer, Wasilla and Houston sent us their top questions for this year’s city council candidates. We compiled the most frequently asked questions and the hottest local issues into a survey and contacted each candidate to get their input.

All but two of the candidates agreed to participate; four ultimately did not submit responses.

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A “vote here” sign sits outside the Palmer Depot on Aug. 20, 2024. (Amy Bushatz/Mat-Su Sentinel)

About the Mat-Su Sentinel voter guide

What you see in this voter guide is exactly what each candidate submitted. We did not provide any edits or make changes of any kind. Submitted photos were cropped for size or received minimal color corrections to display correctly on your screen. Candidates listed without a photo and with “no response” answers did not submit responses to a voter guide questionnaire disrupted by email.

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